You buy them based on the current situation of the game (Snowballing, enemy has alot of armor, ect)īlack Cleaver - If you see enemy has some armor, and your team composition has atleast 2-3 AD champs, you should buy black cleaver. Now for the final item we'll talk about in the core build is ravenous hydra - this is a core item allthough its at the end of the list, reason being is that for ur 3rd item you should buy either ravenous hydra, or one of the situational items listed below, we'll talk about that right now.Ĥ) Situational items - These are pretty simple:

If enemy has a mixture of AD and AP damage, not alot of CC - recommend to go lucidity boots.

If enemy has a ton of AD damage and not much CC - plated steelcaps. (we'll talk about which situations don't allow it)īoots option - this is pretty simple, enemy has a ton of cc, pick up mercs (even if they dont have AP champs, if they have alot of cc you really should pick up mercs, unless they have like 2-3 marksmans/onhit champs like yasuo or yone, then you should pick up plated steelcaps). Yommus is one of the items that allow you to go in a fight, It allows you to flank easily and catch up to enemies, If the situation allows it, build yommus. Second item is yommus ghostblade, I'd recommend this item because when you pick up eclipse its going to be around min 10ish, and teamfights/mini teamfights are gonna occur very soon around drakes, ect. This is in my eyes the best lethality item for the stats it gives, prowlers claw can be used, but i would really recommend not picking prowlers claw over eclipse. If you are feeling a bit lost in lane, and taking too much damage, can always pick up cloth armor / null magic, that you can always complete them to boots anyways later on in the game.ģ) Let's talk about the core build, your mythic item is going to be eclipse, as it is in my eyes the best mythic of the lethality items to buy on zed, it provides you stuff that zed uses in all aspects, movement speed, omni vamp (healing), and damage and on top of that a shield. If you somehow recall with less than 550g (cost of vamp scepter after you bought long sword), pick up another long sword and if possible buy a control ward also.

1) On the start of the game, you have an option, Either you buy 3 potions or refillable, I would recommend to the more passive zed players to go refillable as it's way more cost efficient than 3 red pots, However - If you are looking to trade/fight alot in the lane you are in, for example - A Fizz lane, the fizz will 90% of the time look to Q + W you, and in that lane you would need the extra red potion, but for an example a lane like lissandra you can go for refillable, as she can't do much to you besides small poke.Ģ) On your recall you should always look for having serrated dirk as your first purchase, it is a huge itemspike and is very necessary for the laning phase, as it will be most likely the source of your next kill, zed spikes really hard with that item in the beginning if you manage to not fall behind before lvl 3~5, if you do manage to fall behind, pick up a vamp scepter/refillable potion if you can, sustain for surviving the laning phase so you wont fall even more behind, i'd suggest always going for dirk tho.